Frequently Asked Questions

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Can I buy your products directly from you?

Due to our company's policy, we do not sell our products directly to artists. We only work with official distributors and stores. On our website you can find a store near you where you can buy our products.


Do you sell your products online?

Currently, we do not have a web shop and we do not sell our products through our website. Many independent webshops sell our products and through them you can order online.


I can't find your products in the store near my location. What should I do?

Some stores may not sell our products. You can ask the store to order our products for you.


I would like to become your distributor. What should I do?

We are always open to working with new distributors and stores. Please contact us at and we will discuss the possibilities with you.


I have a complaint about a product. What should I do?

If you experience a problem with any of our products, please let us know as soon as possible. Please email us at with a detailed description. We will investigate the problem carefully and get back to you in due course.


What does the letter before the colour number on your label mean? For example: A1 Titanium white or F39 Cerulean blue?

The letter before the colour number refers to the price range. It indicates the relative price of the colour and is primarily determined by the cost of the pigment. Series A is the least expensive and series F is the most expensive.


I am pregnant. Can I use your products?

You don't have to stop painting and you can use our colours during pregnancy, as long as you are careful. However, it is worth knowing that some chemicals in paints from all manufacturers can be harmful if you are regularly exposed to them in very large doses.


Are your products tested on animals?

We do not test our products on animals. None of our suppliers do animal testing.


Can I become your influencer on Instagram, Youtube, Facebook and other social media channels?

At this time, we are not looking for influencers to promote our brand on Social Media channels.


Can I get free samples of your paint?

We do not provide free samples of our products.


Can I get sponsorships, gifts and free paint from you?

We are a small company and have a limited budget for sponsorships. Due to the many applications we receive weekly, we are forced to make the decision that we will no longer provide sponsorships, gifts and free paint.

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